Seven months have slipped by without you near.. without a text, without a call, without an I love you Mommy. Seven months of mind numbing, heart breaking madness. Seven months of darkness where your light shined. I thought I knew heart break and pain.. I was wrong.
But, if I was given the option to not feel this, to not hurt, to be out of the darkness, but in return had to give up all memory of you.. I would choose the pain. Your life was beautiful, you touched more than I ever imagined. So many people miss and love you, my sweet beautiful angel.
So you play it sweet in heaven with your brother baby, and Mommy will meet you at those glorious gates before you can blink your eyes!
I love you Deanna Christy Haywood, My love flies to you on the wings of angels.
But, if I was given the option to not feel this, to not hurt, to be out of the darkness, but in return had to give up all memory of you.. I would choose the pain. Your life was beautiful, you touched more than I ever imagined. So many people miss and love you, my sweet beautiful angel.
So you play it sweet in heaven with your brother baby, and Mommy will meet you at those glorious gates before you can blink your eyes!
I love you Deanna Christy Haywood, My love flies to you on the wings of angels.