At such a young age of 27, no woman in love should have to face the horrors, of the last year. Standing by watching the love of your life wither and waste, like a forgotten field gone to seed. His pain was unbearable and he screamed out as the disease over took his once muscled body in such a pitch she just knew her heart would be forever torn by the sound. Deep in the night, on a cool April evening, as the even the field mice and fire flies slept, he begged her for the one thing that had eluded him, the sweetness of peace and health, that could only at this time come from death.
With unbelievable strength that could only be provided by the light of the night witches she agreed and set about the tasks that she felt that her alone had been chosen to perform.
The end.
Last night I attended my very first writing workshop and that is what I came up with in 10 minutes from a writing prompt. As you all know I don't do fiction.... well didn't do fiction. For my first shot I think it is pretty good. Well I did write many episodes of "As the Car Rolls" years ago and there was the whole Darlene thing last year but this was my first true attempt. This is it. This is all, the rest is up to your imagination, for now. I was so excited to find this class and Michele I felt right at home instantly! Looking forward to learning so much more. HUGE thank you to Lisa for recommending this to me.
On another note for the week I have been keeping up with my eating and working out. Breaking through some work out barriers and over all feel great! Looking forward to a wonderful weekend with friends, family and my critters!
Love and peace