I can not thank those that helped enough but I am going to try to start here, (please Lord do not let me forget a soul) her Relay Team: Anita (who didn't even know she had the gigantic job of keeping me calm and did a brilliant job), Shanen, Scott, Richie Carolyn, Todd, Debbie and Karen (I just looked at the website her team is huge this year.. So to all of you on Love to Sea a Cure I THANK YOU!!) who did all the leg work at home prior to the event, from gathering fruit, water, and button making, The people who volunteered on Saturday as I was shouting out orders (Poor Edgie) the water stations, Aunt Betty, who had her water ready to go when you got there at Station 2, Ed and Stephanie at Station 1 who apparently needed specific instructions and were yelled at when I got there, my traffic directors Dani, Shanen and Whitley who kept everyone right on course with no missing runners, Allison who punched the finisher yellow button for each and every runner even after I scared her to death about the paper being so short, Lisa who wrote down all the numbers, Larry who collected the tags and Aunt Ann who handed out finishers buttons! I can not forget those that donated items that were needed or made them at the last minute, Cameron and Kendall who made the amazing mile markers and turn around signs, YMCA who donated numbers and vest, Matt Costa of Runcations and Outer Banks Bootcamps who donated his wisdom, safety pins (yes I totally forgot safety pins until about 3 days before hand) and numbers, Theresa Ashberry who loaned me the time clock that needs batteries to work and the cookies oh all of the cookies! I am not even sure who all brought them there were so many so to all of my bakers they were soooo good. (oh and to my #2 man Mark who came through with a sip of cold.. well that doesn't matter.. at the end of his drive way as Daddy and I ran by). Amanda.. as always thank you for being right by my side from start to finish. I could not have done ANY OF THIS ALONE! Through your help and the Grace of God the event surpassed any of my thoughts of success!
(you know as soon as I hit publish I will remember at least 3 more people)
We had 38 participants, 43 signed up (I am so sorry you all did not make it Ms Vilot, Carol, Hunter, and Hayden.. Robert Jr has been in my prayers) and donations, at the end of the day the 5k raised $1075.00 to be placed directly in De's Relay for Life account. There were podiums like crazy, but having my Bud come in first in males while running in a pair of jeans, that was quite amazing. I could go on and on about how wonderful this event was not only for Relay but for my soul, God has blessed me with some wonderful friends and family! To each and every one of you that were there in body and spirit and thought I THANK YOU!!!! But major hugs and love go to the Bootcamp 8 who made a 6 plus hour trip on Saturday to be there and to ensure that my little boy got there safely. Oh who am I kidding.. the boy is HUGE. I hope each of you know how much you mean to me, and if you don't then please come ask I will be sure to tell you in the form of a huge hug!
We have already started planning the Second Annual Relay for Life Deanna Haywood Memorial 5k and the date will be October 18th next year, please mark your calendars!
There is no doubt in my mind that De was smiling down on Saturday telling anyone who would listen.. "Look.. Look.. THAT'S MY Family!! THOSE are MY Friends!!" I do believe we all made her proud.
Much Love to you All,
De's Mommy