I hope you all had a wonderful and relaxing Halloween weekend! Mine was filled with movies, rest, dates with my guy and puppies! Doesn’t get much better than that.
Let’s talk about confidence today. Just the other day someone posted on a selfie that I appeared confident. I thought back to the moment I was taking the pic and tried to remember how I was feeling. Confident was one of the things I was feeling.
I was confident in my decision to go to the gym, confident that I had and was in a place of support, confident that I was going to do the work out and not die. I truly felt confident at that moment. My reaction to the post was “You have to be confident in this game”
I am not sure that I have even uttered something so true in my life, at least for me anyway.
I thought about times when I did not feel confident and mentally envisioned myself. I looked old, tired, fat, and frumpy, not only in my minds eye, but also in photos I could remember, when I just was not feeling secure I just looked worn out.
It dawned on me that to complete my journey here that I need to spend way more time being confident than being closed in on my self in self doubt.
To reach my goals in weight loss, I need to be confident in my choices and own when I choose to veer off plan and then MOVE ON TO THE NEXT DAY IN CONFIDENCE that one day is not the end of the world.
To reach my fitness goals, I need to be confident in my actions and own when I choose to rest and then MOVE ON TO THE NEXT DAY IN CONFIDENCE that the rest is what my body needed and it isn’t lazy to lay out.
To reach my life goals, I need to be confident that in the past I acted to the best of my ability with the knowledge I had at that time and then MOVE ON TO THE NEXT DAY IN CONFIDENCE knowing that many lessons were learned and it has built a large bank of knowledge.
I feel better, stand taller, eat better, work out harder when I allow my confidence to shine. When I true to myself… I am true to the world and can better serve those around me including myself!
Peace Love and Light