I was thinking last night ... scary right... that I absolutely loved to go to bed. We literally went to bed around 8 last night simply because KD decided she wanted to go to bed while I was doing something in my office. I looked at her and thought.. "Yes girl! Let's just lay down!" I didn't immediately go to sleep because I do like to read (or flip through my phone.. I know I know horrible idea) for awhile just to unwind and stretch my body out from the day. I was laying there and I thought.. "Man I love this.. I love this feeling" That safe snuggly feeling of your favorite blankets, your favorite pillow, your favorite puppies, sometimes I even like sharing it with my favorite person. It's my favorite time of day!
I was just laying there reflecting on this and soon this thought crept into my mind....
"Coffee in the morning is going to be so good!" And it is! This made me think of mornings and that early wake up of 5 am. That beautiful time when it's just me while it seems like the rest of the world sleeping. Even my favorite puppies go back to bed after a quick trip out. That hot first sip of coffee that sweeps the cobwebs of sleep from our minds. The last flickers of moonlight over the creek, the sweet birds chirping as they wake to be the first to the worm, Fatty, Jr, Dave, Fred, and Weezy running around the bird feeder in search of breakfast (yes my squirrels have names) the sun peeking up over the horizon kissing the water good morning.
The few minutes I take to plan out my day! It's my favorite time of day! As I am writing this I glanced at my clock and thought...
"I should hurry along, it is almost 6, time to get to work so you can get off at 2 you have so many fun projects planned!" That time of day when you log off of work and you have those few hours of doing what you want before it's time to make dinner. That run you have been wanting to get in, that workout, the project you are working on, maybe a walk with your mom and puppies, or even cutting grass. It's that time of day when you get to do the fun things, the things that bring you back to you after 8 hours of work, it is the time of day to destress from the days work worries! Its when you get to create and just be you! It's my favorite time of day!
Speaking of creating..
"Oh you create some amazing meals Re.. you know that?" dinner time.. it's my time to shine. The sears, the flips, the chops, slices, dices, seasonings.. I am in my element! I am preparing a work of art for those that I love. Ok sometimes it looks more like slop on a plate but it is about nourishing and nurturing the people as I pour love into every one of those dishes. Ok so I had the washing dishes part but the rest of it... It's my favorite time of day!
"Oh what comes next??" That time after dinner, when we, usually just dad and I, gather around the TV and try to learn something from Jeopardy. Just spending a few quiet minutes together. Not really talking, maybe a word or two between commercials but just sitting and being together without the hustle and bustle of all of the happenings of the world. That 30 minutes... It's my favorite time of day!
As dad leaves, he tells me he loves me, thanks me for dinner and that he will call me in the morning. I gather the puppies and head out on to the deck for their last trip out and sit and watch as all my fairy lights come alive, and the little birds sing their sweet lullabies to each other, the otters splash playfully in the creek, as the moon kisses the creek goodnight. I sit and reflect on the day and all that it was and all that tomorrow will be.... It's my favorite time of day!
And off we go... to snuggle back in bed... It's my favorite time of day!!!
Signing off with this, enjoy your day, no matter what the time, be in the moment and HAVE A WONDERFUL WEEKEND!!!
Peace Love and Light