(now you guys know where the saying came from.. it is an adaption of this song lyric, I just threw my twist on it. I can't listen to this song, I can't listen to Band Perry either.. I can't really listen to music.)
My dearest Little Boy Blue,
This will always be one of my favorite pictures of you. I don't know why, it was taken years before you left to go home to heaven. I just feel you saying "I'm ok.. I will see you again soon" Yes I do realize I am still weird, but I also still love you.
You were not mine by blood, but you were mine through love. No steps in this family tree right Little Man?
It's been 5 years. A 5 year Angelversary. It sounds so beautiful doesn't it? Like something that should be celebrated. Like something that deserves a party with a beautiful cake and champagne. It's not so beautiful here Little Man. I pray that it is beautiful there and that today you celebrate your rebirth in heaven and not the sadness of your end here on earth.
I don't know how we have made it a day without you and your sister, but we have trudged down this road for 5 long or short years, depending on the day. It seems like forever since I received your last message but yet just yesterday we were worried about baseball gloves and bats for T ball. It seems like forever since I had heard your sweet voice but yet just yesterday I dried your tears after a spill on your new bike at 4.
I wish for a rewind button to go back to days that weren't all that easy, that were probably a lot hard, but go back I would and endure it all again just to have you and your sister back. Things we thought were so hard then, are a speck of sand in the ocean compared to the days we have spent without you.
I won't bother going on and on about how people here are. I have this idea that somehow you know. That there in heaven you don't necessarily spend all your time watching and wondering what we do but you just know how we are, and when we need you close by.
It's your angelvesary Little Man. I am going to imagine you celebrating this day with your sister.. not sad like we are here. I have to believe you are happy. I have to believe we will all be together again soon. I just have to believe.
My love flies to you on the wings of angels Little Man.
Forever and Always.