I have been a bit silent lately, simply because I have been really busy. Busy running.. or whatever that thing is I do.. for 41 miles over the last 8 days. No I did not spread it out evenly though, that would have been too easy. Why in the world am I doing that you ask? Because this coming Sunday I will complete 26.2 miles. I may have to finish it crawling and I may not make the deadline.. (that is a huge may I think I have the deadline beat.. I may not have any other person on the field beat but I think I can beat the deadline) and even if I don't beat the deadline you best bet your cute hiney if I get on that Army base I WILL finish. No one will pick me up.. I will continue until I get myself to the finish line.
I didn't do this the smart way, not at all, but then again when have I ever been smart about this whole running thing. Sure I trained for a half marathon in 6 weeks.. from Couch to 13.1miles in 6 short weeks. Most people it is Couch to 5k in 6 weeks.. that is a slight difference of 10 miles. For the marathon.. I didn't train. I didn't do much of anything over the winter, as you all so well know, but cry. I didn't eat right.. I didn't exercise... but on February 22nd I decided.. fine I will do it. (ps then I decided I wasn't.. then I decided I was.. then I decided I wasn't .. now I have resolved myself to I am) Since that date I have held to training. WOOHOO 4 whole weeks of training for 26.2 miles. Yes I realize there is something incredibly wrong and messed up with my way of thinking. Completely irrational, but it is what I do.
I was talking to my friend the other day.. I will keep her name anonymous at this point, maybe she will relay the story at my funeral and then you will all know who it was. It went something like this.
Her: Are you really doing the marathon?
Me: Yup
Her: When so I know when to pray?
Me: March 22nd
Her: Okie dokie got it covered.
Me: I may die
Her: Yup but that's a win too.
Me: Yup.. I can see the conversation now.. MOM!!! What are you doing here?? "I did a marathon without training." Deanna:"AGAIN???"
There is one thing I can consistent about .. not training right. This is the 3rd marathon I am going to complete. The first two were not timed events and I just did them. No training AT ALL! So 4 weeks of it is an improvement.
I have cried an untold amount of tears because Deanna won't be there at the finish. I know that some people have said she probably wouldn't be there anyway, that it is just me wishing she would have come. She would have been there. She gets it. She got the whole bootcamp mentality and how we support each other and how we come back and get each other. She went to heaven in her bootcamp shirt.. seriously. In heaven right now there is an angel sporting red. Now keep in mind she probably would not have actually SEEN the finish because she was too busy eating a breakfast while I was running (that happened.. seriously she and my daddy were like 5 minutes late from seeing me finish the OBX half in 2012 because they were eating.. I was running and THEY WERE EATING!!)
To be continued....