I know, I know you are thinking "But you are doing so well!" Yea, kinda, it is the time that the scale always betrays me. I already know that at noon today it will because this morning my scale was up from last weeks noon weight. It is frustrating. I know I ate well. I know I exercised as much as my aching body would allow and still that number looming there is like the bully in grade school who relentless told me I was fat and was a pig. It is the time that my brain always goes.. "what is the point in all of this struggle, look a the scale it isn't moving, you are doing all of this for nothing." The next two weeks will in fact be mentally more taxing than physically. While physically the work I am putting in is hard the mental push to make it over this hump will far out weigh any muscle soreness I have.
As many of you know, a week ago, a terrible tragedy happened, something that was so incredibly painful. The one thing that is relate-able to this post is that some how I made it through without falling into a vat of vodka or a tub of risotto. I did everything to stay on point with my exercise and food because I knew the slippery slope those feelings could send me down. What I need to do in these next few weeks is to hold on to that strength that got me through the last 7 days and keep moving forward to a smaller, healthier me.
It's time for me to change completely, it is time to break that cycle of frustration and moon pies (PS i really don't like moon pies, they just sound like they should be good).
The bottom line is the top line, "Nothing changes until you do"
Much love