I wanted to take a moment this morning and just thank you all. I want you to know that I read EACH AND EVERY ONE OF your comments, texts, messages etc. It is not that I don't want to reply to all individually, I would love to have that kind of time, but alas... there are only so many minutes in my day. I do need you to know that your responses mean so very much to me! They give me more to ponder on, support through the process of processing, more meaning to my own words and so very much more and for that.. I thank you!
I know there are a few of you secret readers out there, and that is ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL! I appreciate you as well! Some of you have reached out and told me, so I feel like there are likely more. You are also part of my journey, you strong silent warrior you! I know you are out there.. and I know you are cheering!
I know that I have said thank you before but I just feel it is important that I acknowledge how much you all mean to me, not only so you know but so I continue to remember this army that is rallying to cheer me to victory. For so long I felt so alone, I know that a LOT of you were there all along but in that hole I couldn't see any of you at all, even if you were jumping up and down shouting "I'M HERE!! I'M HERE!!!" I apologize for that, depression has a way of blinding and deafening us to what is really happening. I wish that on no one, and if you are reading this right this minute and feel alone, or in the darkness, I need you to reach out, TO ME! I promise you aren't alone, I will sit quietly with you and hold your hand until you are ready to see your own army, but I want you to know you are not alone.
Signing off today with just a simple word of appreciation for each of you. May your day be filled with kindness and love.
Peace Love and Light