The next two weekends it will be hitting me head on. The Relay for Life event is this coming Friday night and the following weekend Graduation, both were huge events for her, things that De worked really hard towards.
This coming Friday I will be there at the Mathews Relay Event from start to finish, I will not only be walking for her but also I will be speaking. I would like to ask that anyone in the area to please come out and walk a lap or two with me, just share a story, a hug, or just in silent thought of my beautiful girl. My baby didn't die from cancer but it was a cause that was near and dear to her, a cause instilled in her by Anita and me. She knew and saw first hand the pain that cancer caused, not only to the person with cancer but their families and care givers.
As I was walking Banx this morning, a thought occurred to me, there is no cure for cancer, then I thought of the definition of cancer.
Cancer: The disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body.
Is the loss of a child not similar? There is no cure, it is an uncontrolled division created by an abnormal event in a part of your life. Time may be like chemo or radiation, but the loss is forever there, in remission, sneaking up on the carrier with no warning, to throw you back in the throws of the disease over and over, only to have to fight your way out again and again.
I have for years been involved with Relay for Life and the fight against cancer, for family members, friends and strangers. I had no idea that my life, my daughters life, my families life, would take a turn that would turn my fight against the loss of life towards seat belt usage in our youth and nation, but it has. If any of my talks, blogs, cards, dollars, save just one life it is worth it, but if I save one, I will want to save 100, if 100 then 1000.. I think you see where this is going. If there was a way to get The Deanna Hug Project as big as Relay for LIfe you can bet I will spend as much of my time as I can to do it.
This is not how I pictured my life, I pictured Italy and ended up in Holland, so now all I can do is learn the land, the language and the new way of life.
To each of you I wish you a beautiful day, give something today, give a smile, give a second to hold a door, give your child a word of encouragement.
Much Love to you all and I hope to see you Friday night!
De's Mommy