I am down another 2.25 inches totalling 15.5 for the month!!!
Most of which is from the nasty places. 4 inches from the hippy area and 5.5 from the waist. I will TAKE THAT!
I am thinking that I am displacing the fat with muscle because I am lifting and working with kettle bells a lot and that eventually I will be burning more fat that muscle building... but even if not if I have to weight a lot why not look good doing it!!
There is no doubt that without the support of my team, my coaches Outer Banks Bootcamp and my wonderful friend family that I would still be sitting in a chair crying somewhere. So to each of you THANK YOU!
I would also like to tell you about some other changes. Things that I noticed that you may not think will happen when you start on a journey of health and fitness.
First and foremost I don't feel just all around yucky anymore. Just 6 short weeks ago I felt terrible on a daily. Just gross, like fluish but not. Sluggish, tired, weak. I used that nastiness to work and watch TV justifying it with well I just don't feel good! Of course I didn't I was doing nothing but making myself worse, but in the throws of depression and the cycle of unhealthy attitude and eating you end up stuck in a hole of junk food and immobility. I am not telling you getting started was easy, it wasn't. I had to listen to my heart for awhile and not my head. My heart knew I was stuck in a body and a place I didn't belong, my head said eating that pizza is easier that working out.
Second I can breathe. Yes I could breathe before but this is different and disgusting so if you don't want to think of grossness skip this part. I have always been a tummy sleeper, until last year. I literally got to the point I could not lay on my tummy because I couldn't breathe, if we did supermans or sea turtles at bootcamp I physically could not, because I could not breathe. When we did leg raises and flutter kicks again I could not breathe. Why? Because my fat was already crushing on my lungs and I could not get air in them! How disgusting is that?? I the last week I did flutter kicks, yesterday I did leg raises, superman, and sea turtles, I didn't even REALIZE I had done them and was able to breathe until last night when I went to bed and I realized I was falling asleep in my favorite position. ON MY TUMMY! How sad is that.. I was crushing myself with my own fat.
Third, I am happy. In a general and all around level I am happy. I spend time with friends and don't hole myself up in the house. I go out and do things on a very regular basis. I am actually very busy. That doesn't mean I do not have sad days, of course I do, any mother who has lost a child will ALWAYS have sad days, but what that is not equaling now is sad weeks, months, years. I was sad on Sunday for a few different reasons and I expressed my sadness to friends, but followed quickly up with, it is just a sad day, tomorrow will be better, and it was. Not long ago a sad day was the start of a sad session, there were no sad days, it lingered, I refuse to allow that to happen now.
I know this post is long, as I sometimes make them but I think it was worth a read for anyone who is out there struggling around a bit trying to feel better. Maybe take a look at your diet and exercise and then find yourself an amazing support group, as I said without them I would not be here!